- You are of legal age per country of origin and you are at-least 18 years of age.
- You confirm that nobody has solicited or enticed you to register with svuex-group.com's site against your will.
- Every transaction made between svuex-group.com and its member/s is irreversible and of private nature.
- All members information, financial figures, account balance/s, lender/s activities, messages and other information shown and/or stored by svuex-group.com's servers are private, and will not be shared with any third parties.
- svuex-group.com program is exempt from the US securities act of 1933, the US securities exchange act of 1934 and the US investment company act of 1940 and all other rules, regulations and amendments thereof.
- I confirm that I am not an employee or official of any government agency nor collecting information for any agency and/or acting on their behalf.
- svuex-group.com online services are only available to registered members and registered individuals personally referred by them.
svuex-group.com REFUND POLICY :
- All refund requests are honored and investigated if made in a timely fashion and no more than 24 hours after the member's funding transaction was completed.
- svuex-group.com reserves the right to dismiss any refund request based on the company decision and backed up by these terms.